TM 5-3805-262-34SHEET 4 OF 5(14) Locate cable connected between battery terminal of starter solenoid andterminal on magnetic switch of auxiliary starting motor. Connect testerammeter clamp to this cable as shown.(15) Start and operate engine at 1500 rpm for two minutes.(16) Pull out fuel SHUT OFF control to stop engine; don’t set ignition keyswitch to OFF position: keep it in RUN position. Check that auxiliarysteering motor is operating. If motor is not operating go to trouble-shooting (page 2-117). If motor is operating, go to step (17) below.NOTEDo following steps (17) through (19) as quickly as possible to preventcompletely discharging batteries.(17) Close flowmeter PRESSURE VALVE until PRESSURE gage indicates 2000 psi.Record flowmeter FLOW gage reading.3-529
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