TM 5-3805-262-343-15. AUXILIARY STEERING PUMP AND MOTOR MAINTENANCE (CONT)d. AuxiliarySteeringMotor(Cont).REASSEMBLY (SHEET 3 OF 4)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)Position drive end plate (16)on housing (48) with matchmarks alined.Install and tighten eightcapscrews (15).Using hammer and punch bearingon armature (21) shaft, movearmature toward drive end plate(16) until armature stopsmoving.Put dial indicator on housing(48) with dial indicator stemin contact with armature (21)shaft as shown.Move armature (21) shaft towardcommutator end cover (37) andrecord end travel. If endtravel does not exceed 0.030inch go to step (22) below. Ifend travel exceeds 0.030 inchgo to step (21) below.Remove retaining ring (35) fromcommutator end cover (37).Install necessary number ofshims (33 and 34) againstbearing (17) to obtain endtravel between 0.005 to 0.030inch. Reinstall retaining ring(35). Repeat step (20) above.3-554
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