TM 5-3805-262-342-5. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. FUEL INJECTION PUMP NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont).Step 6.Turn test bench on but do not drive fuel injection pump. Set testbench for high pressure phasing.Watch test line for number 1 cylinder. There should be a steady flowof fuel from number 1 test line as in step 4 above.Watching fuel flow from number 1 cylinder test line, rotate testbench drive byCamshaft angleshould be zeroa.b.If camshaftIf camshafthand until fuel flow just indicated by test bench degree wheel pointer±1/2 degree.angle is zero ±1/2 degree, go to step 7 below.angle is notzero ±1/2 degree, usingtwo open end wrenches,loosen cylinder number 1roller tappet adjustingcapscrew nut. If timing islate, turn adjusting cap-screw counterclockwise;clockwise if timing isearly. Tighten nut and re-check adjustment by re-peating this step.2-54
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