TM 5-3805-262-34REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 6)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(lo)(11)At control valve assembly, remove three cotter pins (1) and clevis pins(2).Just above control valve assembly, remove three cotter pins (3) andclevis pins (4).Remove lift control rod (5), tilt control rod (6), and clam control rod(7).If necessary, loosen nut (8) and loosen and remove clevis (9). Removenut (8). Repeat for remaining nuts (8) and clevis’ (9) as necessary.LEGEND10. Clam cylinder tube11. Fitting12. Tilt cylinder tube13. Lift cylinder tubeLoosen and disconnect clam cylinder tube (10) fitting from fitting incontrol valve assembly.Loosen and disconnect hose fitting (11) from other end of clam cylindertube (10). Loosen and remove nut, lock washer, clamp, and capscrew fas-tening clam cylinder tube to side of loader. Remove clam cylinder tube(10) from loader.Loosen and disconnect tilt cylinder tube (12) fitting from fitting incontrol valve assembly.Loosen and disconnect fitting on other end of tilt cylinder tube (12)from tee fitting located at center of loader. Remove tilt cylinder tubefrom loader.Loosen and disconnect lift cylinder tube (13) fitting from fitting incontrol valve assembly.Loosen and disconnect fitting on other end of lift cylinder tube (13)from tee fitting located at center of loader. Remove lift cylinder tubefrom loader.3-649
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