TM 5-3805-262-343-22. CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CONT)a. ControlValveAssembly(Cont).REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 6)LEGEND14. Nut15. Lock washer16. Capscrew(12) Loosen and remove nut (14), lock washer (15), and capscrew (16) fromclamp (17) located at center of loader.(13) Remove clamp (17) from lift cylinder tube.(14) Loosen and disconnect lift cylinder tube(18) fitting from tee located at center ofLEGENDloader.17. Clamp(15) Loosen and disconnect fitting on other end18. Lift cylinder tubeof lift cylinder tube (18) from fitting in-19. Nuts (4)stalled in control valve assembly. Remove20. Tube flangeslift cylinder tube from loader.21. Inlet tube3-650
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