TM 5-3805-262-343-22. CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CONT)a. Control valve Assembly (Cont).INSTALLATION (SHEET 3 OF 7)(8)Start remaining two capscrews (29)through front chassis and installwashers (28) on ends of capscrews.Use oil-soluble grease to holdwashers in place.(9) While assistant holds capscrews(29), lift rear of control valveassembly into alinement withcapscrews. Tell assistant to pushcapscrews (29) through control valveassembly mounting holes.(10) Install remaining two lock washers(27) and nuts (26). Tighten threenuts (26) to 65 to 85 lb-ft.LEGEND25. Outlet tube(11) Connect and tighten outlet tube (25)fitting to fitting installed in topof loader control valve assembly.(12) Locate clam cylinder tube (23) coming from22. Tilt cylinder tubeleft side of loader and connect to fitting23, Clam cylinder tubeinstalled in lower front port of controlvalve assembly. Tighten clam cylinder tubefitting.3-656
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