TM 5-3805-262-343-22. CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. ClamSpool(Cont).REASSEMBLY(1)( 2)(3)( 4)( 5)(6)(7)( 8)( 9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)Install spool (7) in vise and installlower plate and capscrews of springcompression tool over spool as shown.Install spring retainer (12) and washer(11) on spool (7).Install spring (10) and spring retainer(9).Put top plate of spring compression toolon spring retainer (9). Install wing nutsand tighten them to compress spring (10).Install retaining ring (8).Remove spring compression tool from spool (7) and remove spool from vise.Install one washer (4) and new O-ring (5) on spool (7).Lubricate spool (7) and associated bore in control valve body using cleanlubricating oil.InstallInstallInstallInstallInstallspool (7) in control valve body.plug (13) in cover (6) if removed.and tighten cover (6).new O-ring (5) and washer (4) on spool (7).new O-ring (3) in seal assembly (1). Push retainer (2) into sealassembly (1) to secure O-ring.Install and tighten sealassembly (1) using sealassembly tool as shown.Install control valve assembly(page 3-654).3-686
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