T M 5-3805-262-343-22. CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. Clam Spool (Cont) .DISASSEMBLY (SHEET 3 OF 3)1. MAKE TWO PLATES 3 INCHES X 2 INCHESx 1/8 INCH2. 1-1/16 INCH DIAMETER3. USE 5/16 INCH CAPSCREWS(9) Install spring compression tool on spool (7) and put spool in vise asshown.(10) Tighten wing nuts on spring compression tool to compress spring (10).(11) Remove retaining ring (8).(12) Loosen and remove wing nuts and top plate from spring compression tool.(13) Remove spring retainer (9), spring (10), washer (11), and spring retainer(12) from spool (7).(14) Remove plug (13) from cover (6) only if necessary for replacement.3-684
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