Engine Systems
Fig. 3 - Typical Fuel Filter Mounting
Fig. 4 - Typical Spin-On Fuel Filter Mounting
The fuel strainer and fuel filter are basically identical
in construction, both consisting of a cover, shell and
7. Remove the plug in the strainer or filter cover and
replaceable element. Since the fuel strainer is placed
fill the shell with fuel. Fuel system primer J 5956 may
between the fuel supply tank and the fuel pump, it
be used to prime the fuel system.
functions under suction; the fuel filter, which is
installed between the fuel pump and the fuel inlet
8. Start and operate the engine and check `the fuel
manifold in the cylinder head, operates under
system for leaks.
Replace the elements as follows:
Spin-On Type Fuel Filter
1. With the engine shut down, place a suitable
container under the fuel strainer or filter and open the
A spin-on type fuel strainer and fuel filter (fig. 4) is
drain cock. The fuel will drain more freely if the cover
used on certain engines. The spin on filter cartridge
nut is loosened slightly.
consists of a shell, element and gasket combined into a
unitized replacement assembly. No separate springs or
2. Support the shell, unscrew the cover nut and remove
seats are required to support the filters.
the shell and element.
The filter covers incorporate a threaded sleeve to
3. Remove and discard the element and gasket. Clean
accept the spin-on filter cartridges. The word
the shell with fuel oil and dry it with compressed air.
"Primary" is cast on the fuel strainer cover and the
word "Secondary" is cast on the fuel filter cover for
4. Place a new element, which has been thoroughly
soaked in clean fuel oil, over the stud and push it
down on the seat. Close the drain cock and fill the shell
No drain cocks are provided on the spin-on filters.
approximately two-thirds full with clean fuel oil.
Where water is a problem, it is recommended that a
water separator be installed. Otherwise, residue may
5. Affix a new shell gasket, place the shell and element
be drained by removing and inverting the filter. Refill
into position under the cover and start the cover nut
the filter with clean fuel oil before reinstalling it.
on the shell stud.
A 1" diameter twelve-point nut on the bottom of the
6. Tighten the cover nut only enough to prevent fuel
filter is provided to facilitate removal and installation.
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