Engine Systems
Fig. 7 - Heavy-Duty Oil Bath Air Cleaner
Service the heavy-duty oil bath air cleaner (Fig. 7) as
Fig. 6 - Typical Light-Duty Air Cleaner
1. Loosen the wing nuts and detach the lower portion
of the air cleaner assembly.
lower section consists of the oil cup, removable inner
cup or baffle, and the center tube.
2. Lift out the removable element assembly and hold it
up to a light. An even, bright pattern of light through
2. Soak the body assembly and element in fuel oil to
the wire element indicates it is clean. Even a partially
loosen the dirt; then flush the element with clean fuel
plugged element must be cleaned with a suitable
oil and allow it to drain thoroughly.
solvent or fuel oil and blown out with compressed air
to remove any dirt, lint or chaff.
3. Pour out the oil, separate the inner cup or baffle
from the oil cup, remove the sludge and, wipe the
3. Pour out the oil, separate the inner cup or baffle
baffle and outer cup clean.
from the outer cup. remove the sludge and wipe the
4. Push a lint free cloth through the center tube to
baffle and outer cup clean.
remove dirt or oil.
4. Clean and inspect the gaskets and sealing surfaces
to ensure an air tight seal.
5. Clean and check all of the gaskets and sealing
surfaces to ensure air tight seals.
5. Reinstall the baffle in the oil cup and refill to the
proper oil level with the same grade of oil as used in
6. Refill the oil cup to the oil level mark only, install
the baffle and reassemble the air cleaner.
the engine.
6. Inspect the lower portion of the air cleaner body
7. Check the air inlet housing before installing the air
and center tube each time the oil cup is serviced. If
cleaner assembly on the engine. The inlet will be dirty
there are any indications of plugging, the body
if air cleaner servicing has been neglected or if dust
assembly should be removed and cleaned by soaking
laden air has been leaking past the air cleaner to the
and then flushing with clean fuel oil. Allow the unit to
air inlet housing seals.
drain thoroughly.
8. Make sure that the air cleaner is seated properly on
7. Place the removable element in the body assembly.
the inlet housing and the seal is installed correctly.
Install the body if it was removed from the engine for
Tighten the wing bolt until the air cleaner is securely
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