Engine Systems
8. Install the outer cup and baffle assembly. Be sure the
cup is tightly secured to the assembly body.
1. Loosen the wing bolt and remove the air cleaner
The dry-type air cleaner consists of a removable cover
assembly from the air inlet housing.
attached to the air cleaner body which contains a
replaceable paper filter cartridge and a dust cup. Air
2. Detach the cover and wing bolt and remove the
entering the air cleaner is given a centrifugal pre-
element. Then empty and wipe the dust cup clean.
cleaning by a turbine-type vane assembly. Air rotates
at high speed around the filter element throwing the
3. Clean the filter element as follows: If the element is
dust to the outside where it flows down the wall of the
dry and dusty, use compressed air. The air should be
body and is ejected into a dust cup. The duct cup is
blown through the element opposite to the normal
baffled to prevent the re-entry of the dust. The pre-
direction of air flow.
cleaned air passes through the paper filter and enters
4. If the element is oily or has soot deposits, use a
the engine.
water hose (less than 40 psi or 276 kPa) and wash with
warm water and a non-sudsing detergent. Dry the
Some air cleaners are equipped with an indicator
element thoroughly.
w h i c h will aid in determining the servicing
5. Reassemble all of the air cleaner parts. place the
assembly on the air inlet housing and secure it with
the wing bolts.
Service the dry-type air cleaner as follows:
fasteners, mounting flanges and an outlet for the
The dry-type air cleaner illustrated in Fig. 8 is
filtered air.
designed to provide highly efficient air filtration under
all operating conditions and is not affected by engine
speed. The cleaner assembly consists of a centrifugal
air cleaner in series with a replaceable impregnated
paper filter element. The dust collected in the
The deflector vanes (Fig. 9) impart a swirling motion
centrifugal cleaner is exhausted by connecting the dust
to the air entering the air cleaner and centrifuge the
bin to an exhaust gas aspirator. The centrifugal
dust particles against the walls of the tube\. The dust
cleaner and replaceable filter clement are held
particles are then carried to the dust bin at the bottom
of the cleaner by approximately 10% bleed off air and
together in a steel housing. Positive sealing between
are finally discharged into the atmosphere through an
the two elements and the housing is provided by
rubber gaskets. The steel housing incorporates filter
Fig. 9 - Flow of Air Through Filter Element
Fig. 8 - Dry Type Air Cleaner
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