2. Tap brake lining plugs into brake lining bolt holes
Reassembly of Hub and Drum Assembly
(Fig. 140).
1. If wheel studs were removed, replace entire set of
studs with new set. Install stud nuts and tighen to 200
3. Position brake cam roller on brake shoe. Apply light
2. Check bearing bores in wheel hub to be sure all nicks
coat of Never-Seez on brake cam roller pin and in-
and burrs have been removed from both bores and
sert pin. Secure pin with cam roller pin lock pin and
bearing seats. Install bearing cups in hub with wide
cotter pin (Fig. 141).
diameter of taper toward outside of hub. Use bearing
driver to drive cups into place [Fig. 144). Bearing
driver dimensions are given in Fig. 145. Make sure
4. Press brake shoe bushings into brake shoe (Fig. 142).