7. Tighten bearing adjusting nuts to adjust bearings to
zero end play (Fig. 125). This condition may be
checked with screwdriver as shown (Fig. 126). All
bearing rollers must rotate as ring gear rotates, but it
should not be possible to move bearing rollers sideways
in cage when prying against them with screwdriver.
Check ring and pinion gear for proper tooth contact.
Paint ring gear with a mixture of red lead and linseed
oil (Fig. 128). When ring and pinion gears are rotated,
the red lead is squeezed away by the contact of the
teeth, leaving bare areas the exact size, shape and
location of the contacts. As a rule, painting about 10
or 12 teeth is sufficient for checking purposes.
FIG. 125
Sharper impressions may be obtained by applying a
small amount of resistance to the ring gear with a flat
steel bar and using a wrench to rotate the pinion.
Gears should be rotated, under slight load, until ring
gear has turned at least one revolution in both direc-
8. Use a dial indicator to check backlash between ring
Check tooth contact pattern on drive side (convex
gear and pinion shaft gear. Backlash is adjusted by
side) of ring gear teeth. Coast side will automatically
moving ring gear toward or away from pinion shaft
correct when drive side pattern is correct. Refer to gear
gear as shown in Fig. 127. Move ring gear by loosen-
tooth contact chart [Fig. 129). If proper tooth contact
ing one adjusting nut and tightening opposite lock nut.
pattern is not as shown, readjust backlash or add to or
When loosening one lock nut and tightening opposite,
subtract from shim pack between bearing cage flange
move each lock nut same distance so that bearing ad-
and differential housing. Addition of or subtraction of
justment made in previous paragraph is not disturbed.
shims should be made in small increments until proper
Adjust position until gear backlash is between .010"
contact is established. Split shims are provided to per-
and .014" if new gear set is used, or adjust to back-
mit removal or insertion between bearing cage and
lash noted at disassembly for old gears.
differential housing.