TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A INT R A N S M I S S I ONPLANETARY LUBRICATIONS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NPLANETARY LUBRICATIONl. Oil supply paaaage. 2. Oil supply passage.All planet gears and bearings are pressure lubri-cated. After the oil has been cooled by the oil cooler,it will enter through oil passages (1) and (2) and anorifice in the transmission end plate.Oil for lubrication of the No. 1 clutch comesthrough an orifice in the transmission end plate.Oil supply passage (1) is for lubrication of clutchesNo. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and rotating clutch No. 5.Oil for the No. 6 clutch is supplied through oilsupply passage (2).All clutch leakage oil and return oil goes to thebottom of the transmission case. This oil then goes tothe main oil reservoir in the output transfer gearcase.The restrictions to the flow of oil inside the plane-tary, keep the lubrication pressure at 140 kPa (20psi).3-39
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