P O W E R T R A INT R A N S M I S S I O N H Y D R A U L I C C O N T R O L STM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NOPERATIONStarting the Engine(Transmission in Neutral)TRANSMISSION HYDRAULIC CONTROLS(Neutral, Engine Running)& No. 5 clutch.13. Modulation relief velve.19. No. 3 clutch.E. Pressure tap for spaed7. No. 4 clutch.14. Pressure differential20. No. 2 clutch.8. No. 6 clutch.clutch (Pi).valve.22. Flow control orifica.F. Praasure tap for diraction10. Spead selection spool.16. Ratio valva for torquaD. Praaaure tap for convarterclutch (P2).11. Load piston.convartar.inlet.12. Tranamiaaion neutralizer17. Diraction selection spool.valva.18. No. 1 clutch.When the engine is started, oil pump (9) pulls oil(17) also opens direction clutches (18) and (20) tofrom reservoir (21) through magnetic screen (15).the reservoir.The pump sends the oil through filter (1) to theselector and pressure control valve group, which isOil, from the pump, goes through flow controlpart of the transmission hydraulic controls.orifice (22) to No. 3 clutch (19), ratio valve (16) forWhen the transmission selection lever is in NEU-the torque converter and pressure differential valveTRAL, direction selection spool (17) is in the posi-(14).tion shown in the schematic.The oil to ratio valve ( 16) for the torque converter,The position of direction selection spool (17) opensgoes through an orifice in the valve spool and fills theNo. 3 clutch (19) to pump oil and opens the right endslug chamber.of pressure differential valve (14) to the reservoir.The oil to pressure differential valve (14) goesSpeed clutches (6), (7) and (8) are opened to thethrough a small orifice in the valve spool and starts toreservoir. The position of direction selection spoolfill the chamber at the left end of the spool.3-43
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