TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A INT R A N S M I S S I O NFOURTH SPEED REVERSES Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NPOWER FLOW IN FOURTH SPEED REVERSE (No.1 and No. 3 ClutchesEngaged)I. Ring gear for No. 17. No. 2 and No. 3 carrier.clutch.8.~0. 3clutch.2. Ooupling gear.9. Ring gear for No. 33. No. 1 clutch.clutch.When the transmission is in FOURTH SPEEDREVERSE, No. 1 and No. 3 clutches are engaged.The No. 1 clutch holds ring gear (1) for the No. 1clutch stationary. The No. 3 clutch holds ring gear(9) for the No. 3 clutch stationary. Input shaft (23)turns No. 1 sun gear (21). No. 1 sun gear turns No. 1planetary gear (24). No. 1 carrier (20) is in directmechanical connection with ring gear (1).Since ring gear (1) is held stationary by the No. 1clutch, so is No. 1 carrier (20). The movement of No.1 planetary gears (24) causes coupling gear (2) to10. No. 4 carrier.23. Input shaft.20. No. 1 carrier.24. No. 1 planetary geara.21. No. 1 sun gear.26. No. 3 planetary gears.22. Output shaft.27. No. 4 planetary gears.turn in the opposite direction of input shaft (23).Coupling gear (2) is in direct mechanical connectionwith No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (7).Since ring gear (9) is held stationary by the No. 3clutch, the movement of No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (7)causes No. 3 planetary gears (26) to move around theinside of the ring gear. The No. 3 planetary gearsturn output shaft (22). From the output shaft, powergoes through the output transfer gears to thedifferentials.3-38
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