TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A I NS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NTRANSMISSION HYDRAULIC CONTROLSINTRODUCTIONThe transmission hydraulic controls are installedon the transmission planetary. The controls have atop plate (1), selector and pressure control valvegroup (2), plate (3) and neutralizer valve group (4).TRANSMISSION HYDRAULIC CONTROLS(Side View)1. Plate. 2. Selector and pressure control velve group. 3.Plate. 4. Neutralizer valvegroup.TRANSMISSION HYDRAULIC CONTROLS(Top View)1. Plate. 5. Air inlet for neutralizer valve. 6. Speed selec-tion spool. 7. Oil tube (inlet from pump). & Oil tube (outletto torqueconverter). 9. Direction selection spool.Inlet oil for operation of the hydraulic controlscomes from the filter and goes through tube (7) to thepressure control valve.Oil, for operation of the torque converter, goesthrough tube (8) and an oil line to the torqueconverter.Air pressure for operation of the neutralizer valve,comes through air inlet (5). This air pressure is fromthe brake system.3-40TRANSMISSION HYDRAULIC CONTROLS(Bottom View)4. Neutralizer valve group. 10. Opening to No. 2 clutch. 11.Opening to No. 1 clutch. 12. Opening to No. 6 clutch. 13.Opening to No. 3 clutch. 14. Opening to No. 4 clutch. 15.Opening to No. 5 clutch.Oil, to the clutches, is sent through openings (10),(1l), (12), (13), (14) and (15) in the bottom mani-fold to the appropriate clutches for the speed anddirection selected.NEUTRALIZER VALVETRANSMISSION NEUTRALIZER VALVE1. Spring. 2. Manifold. 3. Spool.The neutralizer valve is in the bottom manifold ofthe hydraulic controls.The neutralizer valve is activated by the left brakepedal. When the left brake pedal is pushed, brakesystem air pressure moves spool (3) against the force
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