TM 5-3805-258-24-1F U E L S Y S T E MT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GWhen fuel injection nozzles are tested, besure to wear eye protection. Test fluidcomes from the orifices in the nozzle tip withhigh pressure. The test fluid can pierce (gothru) the skin and cause serious injury to theoperator. Keep the tip of the nozzle pointedaway from the operator and into the 8S2270Fuel Collector and FT1384 Extension.N O Z Z L E R E A D Y F O R T E S TE. Gauge protector valve. H. On-off valve. K. Pump isola-tor valve.CAUTIONPut a shop towel around the upper part ofthe nozzle to take in any fluid leakage.3. Close on-off valve (H). Open pump isolatorvalve (K).4. Open gauge protector valve (E). Operate thepump to make a slow increase in pressure untilthe valve in the fuel injection nozzle just starts toopen. Read the maximum gauge pressure at theinstant fluid flows from the tip.NOTE: It is possible for the pressure reading of thegauge to go down fast if the valve makes a noise(chatters) when it opens. It is also possible for thepressure reading of the gauge to be almost constantwhen the valve in the fuel injection nozzle opens.NOTE: The valve in the fuel injection nozzle can begood and still not make a noise (chatter), or not havea very fine vapor (spray) from the orifices in the tip ofthe fuel injection nozzle during Step 4.If the opening pressure is not within specifications,do not use the fuel injection nozzle again.VALVE OPENING PRESSURE (VOP) SPECIFICATIONS8300 to 16200 kPa(1200 to 2350 psi)Il. Flush the Nozzle1. Close gauge protector valve (E). Close on-offvalve (H). Open pump isolator valve (G).NOTE: Make sure nozzle extends inside and belowthe top of FT1384 Extension (F).2. Operate the pump rapidly for three full strokes.III. Tip Leakage Test1.2.Remove all fluid from the nozzle tip and bodywith a clean cloth.Put a clean cloth around the body of the nozzle totake in any leakage from the bleed screw holeand prevent any fuel leakage to drain down tothe tip of the nozzle.N O Z Z L E R E A D Y F O R T E S TE. Gauge protector valve. H. On-off valve. K. Pump isola-tor valve.3.4.Open gauge protector valve (E). Close on-offvalve (H). Open pump isolator valve (K).Make and hold for 15 seconds a pressure of 1380kPa (200 psi) less than the opening pressuremeasured in VOP Test I and make a note of thenumber of drops that fall.TIP LEAKAGE SPECIFICATIONNo more than 5 drops can fall in 15 seconds.4-8
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