CABTM 5-3805-258-24-1F U E L S Y S T E MT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GINSTALLING CARBON DAM2. Carbon dam. 3. Saal. N. 8S2252 Carbon SealTool.FUEL INJECTION LINESFuel from the fuel injection pumps goes to the fuelinjection nozzles through the fuel injection lines.When fuel injection lines are disconnected or re-moved, always put caps or plugs on the ends to keepdirt out of the lines. When fuel injection lines areinstalled, be sure all clamps and dampers are in-stalled in their original location.The nuts that hold a fuel injection line to an injec-tion nozzle and injection pump must be tightened tothe correct torque. If the nut is loose, fuel will leakfrom the connection. If the nut is tightened too tight,the inside diameter of the line will become smallerand cause a restriction to the flow of fuel in the line.Use a torque wrench and a 5P144 Fuel Line Socketto tighten the fuel injection line nuts to 40 ± 7 N.m(30 ± 5 lb. ft.).WARNINGFuel injection lines which are bent, damaged orrubbing can leak and cause a fire. Replace anylines which have damage or leaks that can notbe corrected when tightened to the correcttorque.CHECKING THE PLUNGER AND LIFTEROF AN INJECTION PUMPNOTE: There are no different size spacers availableto adjust the timing dimension of the fuel injectionpumps. If the pump plunger or the lifter is worn, theymust be replaced. Because there is no adjustment tothe timing dimension possible, there is NO OFFENGINE LIFTER SETTING PROCEDURE.When there is too much wear on the fuel injectionpump plunger, the lifter may also be worn and therewill not be good contact between the two parts. Tostop fast wear on the end of a new plunger, install newlifters in the place of the lifters that have wear.WEAR BETWEEN LIFTER ANDPLUNGERFig, A. Illustrates the contact surfaces of a new pumpplunger and a new lifter.In Fig. B the pump plunger endlifter haveworn considerably. Fig. C shows how the fistend of a new plunger makes poor contact with a worn lifter,rasulting in rapid wear to both parts.An injection pump can have a good fuel flow com-ing from it but not be a good pump because of slowtiming that is caused by wear on the bottom end ofthe plunger. When making a test on a pump that hasbeen used for a long time, use a micrometer andmeasure the length of the plunger. If the length of theplunger is shorter than the minimum length (worn)dimension given in the chart, install a new pump.FUEL PUMP PLUNGERLength(new) . . 73.886f 0,013mm(2.9089f ,0005in,)Minimumlength (worn). . . . . . . . 73.873 mm (2,9084in.)Look for wear at the top part of the plunger. Checkthe operation of the plunger according to the instruc-tions for the Fuel Injection Test Bench.REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FUELINJECTION PUMPSToole Needed:8S4613 Wrench.8S2244 Extractor.7N1048Timing Pin.8V4166 Tlmlng Pin.Removal of Fuel Injection PumpsCAUTIONBefore any parts are removed from the fuelinjection pump housing, thoroughly clean alldirt from the housing. Dirt that gets inside thepump housing will cause much damage.NOTE: The fuel rack must be in the center positionbefore the fuel injection pumps can be removed.4-10
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