TM 5-3805-258-24-1F U E L S Y S T E MT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N Gin the lifter. Install the fuel injection pumpstraight down into the bore.F U E L P U M P I N S T A L L A T I ON( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E)5. 8S2244 Extractor. 6. Groove of barrel. 7. Fourth toothof gear segment.6. Push down on extractor (5) (hand force only) andinstall O-ring and bushing that holds the injec-tion pump in the pump housing. If the pump isin the correct position, the bushing will turn intothe threads of the fuel injection housing with thefingers until it is even with the top of the hous-ing. When the bushing is installed correctly,tighten the bushing to 160 ± 14 N·m (120 ± 10lb. ft.).CAUTIONThe bushing must be tightened to the correcttorque. Damage to the housing will be the re-sult if the bushing is too tight. If the bushing isnot tight enough, the pump will have leakage.7.8.9.Install the fuel injection line to the pump andtighten to 40 ± 7 N·m (30 ± 5 lb. ft.).Remove timing pin (4) and install timing pincover (3).Install fuel filter base and filter (1) and fuelline (2).WARNINGIf one or more of the fuel injection pumps havebeen installed wrong, it is possible for the en-gine to run out of control when started. Whenany of the fuel injection pumps have been re-moved and installed, take the precautions(steps) that follow to stop the engine if it startsto overspeed (run out of control).a. Remove the air cleaner pipe from the turbo-charger and leave the air inlet for the turbo-charger open.b. Set the governor at low tide.Be careful whenopening. Due toWARNINGplate is put against air inletexcessive suction, the platecan be pulled quickly against air inlet opening. To avoid crushed fingers, do not put fingersbetween plate and air inlet opening.S T O P P I N G T H E E N G I N E ( T Y P I C A L E X A M P L E )c. Start the engine, and if engine starts to over-speed (run out of control) put a steel plateover the air inlet to stop the engine.4-12
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