F U E L S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N G1. Remove fuel filter base (1) and the fuel linefrom the fuel filter base to the fuel transferpump.2. Remove bolts (2) and timing pin cover (3) fromthe fuel injection pump housing. the timing pin in position, move the gov-ernor lever to the high idle position. The fuelrack will move until the edge of the groove inthe rack makes contact with the timing pin.The fuel rack is now in the center position.Fasten the governor lever in the HIGH IDLEposition.Remove the fuel injection line from the fuelinjection pump.Put the 8S4613 Wrench into spline of bushingthat holds the fuel injection pump in the hous-ing. Remove the bushing.Install 8S2244 Extractor (5) on the threads ofF U E L I N J E C T I O N P U M P H O U S I N G1. Fuel filter base.CAUTIONThe fuel rack MUST BE IN THE CENTER POSl-TION before the correct installation of an injec-tion pump is possible.F U E L I N J E C T I O N P U M P H O U S I N G2. Bolts. 3. Timing pin cover.3. Move the governor lever to the FUEL OFFposition and install timing pin (4) in the rackcentering hole as shown.the injection pump. Carefully pull the pumpstraight up out of the bore.Be careful when an injection pump is disassem-bled. Do not damage the surface on the plunger. Theplunger and barrel are made as a set. Do not put theplunger of one pump in the barrel of another pump. Ifone part is worn, install a complete new pump assem-bly. Be careful when the plunger is put into the boreof the barrel. When injection pumps and spacers areremoved from the fuel injection pump housing, keepthe parts together so they can be installed in the samelocation in the housing.Installation of Fuel Injection Pumps1. the fuel rack in the center position. Makereference to Removal of Fuel Injection Pumps.Put 8S2244 Extractor (5) on the threads of thefuel injection pump.Make sure the lifter for the pump to be installedis at the bottom of its travel.Put the groove of barrel (6) in alignment withthe middle (fourth) tooth of gear segment (7).Look into the bore for the fuel injection pumpand locate both dowels. There is a dowel in thelifter and a dowel in the opposite side of the borein the fuel injection pump housing. Put thegroove in the pump barrel in alignment with thelarge dowel in the pump housing and put the slot(groove) on the opposite side of the gear teeth onthe sector gear in alignment with the small dowelT I M I N G P I N I N S T A L L E D4. Timing pin.4-11
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