TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GBucket PositionerThe bucket positioner uses a 9G116 Switch Assembly that is activated by amagnet that moves in and out with the tilt cylinder rod. The bucket positionersystem is different than the lift kickout in that it “latches up” (the kickout keepsactivated).The 950B uses pilot valve operated hydraulic controls that need only a smallforce to operate the implement. The tilt back detent needs greater force to movethe lever out of the TILT BACK position. In many applications the lever mustbe moved from HOLD to and from TILT BACK, several times when the bucketis to be filled. The large force necessary to move the lever from the detent wouldmake the machine much harder to use. For this reason, when the kickout is firstactivated with the bucket level, the kickout “latches up” (keeps activated) whilethe bucket is tilted back farther during the procedure of getting a load. Thedetent is prevented from operation until the bucket is dumped (tilted forward)past the level position. Then the circuit unlatches (disconnects) and the detent isagain ready to operate.The “latch up” is done completely by the 9G116 Switch Assembly. When thebucket is tilted back, the magnet moves from position A toward position B. Themagnet has no effect at position B, but at position C it causes the switch toelectronically connect Pin 2 to Pin 3 of the harness plug. This activates the9G9891 Bucket Positioner Solenoid.L I F T K I C K O U T A N D B U C K E T P O S I T I O N E R S O L E N O I DS1. Lift kickout solenoid. 2. Bucket position solenoid.B U C K E T P O S I T I O N E R S W I T C H A N D M A G N ET3. Bucket positioner switch. 4. Bucket positioner magnet.4-131
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