ENGINEGOVERNORNOTE: Make a replacement of shield (7) any time itis removed. shield (7) on the carrier and use tool (A)to push the shield against its seat. Use a ham-mer and punch to move the metal (stake) twoplaces on the side of the shield 180° ± 5°apart next to the holes in the shield.Install one race (9), bearing (10), the other race(9) and use tool (B) to install the ring on riser(8) as shown.Install riser (8) and spring (overfueling spring)on the governor shaft as shown.Assemble the dashpot as follows:a)b)Install spring (12) on seat (11) and installseat (13) in spring (12).Put spool (14) and ring (15) in position onseat (13) and use tool (B) to install snapring (16) to hold them in place.Install dashpot assembly (17) on the governorshaft as shown.TM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY5-113
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