ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYGOVERNOR29. Put lever (59) in position in the housing asshown and install shaft (60) to hold the lever inplace.30. Install spring (63) in shaft assembly (64). In-stall pin (61) in the shaft assembly (64) withthe tip of the pin engaged in the hole in spring(63). Install pin (62) in the shaft assembly tohold pin (61) in place.31. Put stop (67) and plates (65) in position onshaft assembly (64) and install pins (66) to holdthe plates and stop in place. Install snap rings(68) to hold pins (66) in place.32. Put levers (69) and (70) in position in the hous-ing as shown and install shaft assembly (64) tohold the levers in place.33. Install adjustment screw (71) and the locknutfor the low idle adjustment in the housing. In-stall spring (72) in the hole in the shaft assem-bly and in the housing.5-117
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