POWER TRAINTM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYDRIVE SHAFT CARRIER BEARING3. Install bearing (2) on the end of the front driveshaft.4. Put clean grease on O-ring seal (3) and install itaround the bearing.NOTE: Models 950BS and 950BNS use a dif-ferent type seal than models 950BSCE and950BNSCE. Maintenance procedures shownhere will work for all models.5. Use tool group (A) to install the seal in hous-ing (4). For models 950BNS and 950BS, makesure the lip of the seal is toward the inside ofthe housing as shown.6. Put clean grease on the lip of the seal and installhousing (4) over the end of the front drive shaft.5-193
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