TM 5-3805-262-203-25. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. HYDRAULIC PUMP NOISY (Cont).Step 4.Check hydraulic oil level atsight gage in front of loader.a .b .I f h y d r a u l i c o i l l e v elcannot be seen in sightgage, add hydraulic oil(page 11-78).If hydraulic oil level canbe seen in sight gage, noti-fy next higher maintenancelevel to replace and repairhydraulic pump.2. HYDRAULIC PUMP LEAKS HYDRAULIC OIL.Check if nuts securing hydraulic pumps e c t i o n s a r e t i g h t .a . I f n u t s a r e l o o s e , t i g h t ento 200 lb-ft torque.b . I f n u t s a r e t i g h t , n o t i fynext higher maintenance le-vel to replace and repairhydraulic pump.3. BUCKET TILT CYLINDER ASSEMBLIES OPERATION SLUGGISH OR POOR (ALL OTHER CYLINDERSOPERATE PROPERLY).3-178Step 1.Start engine and turn loader completely to left to gain access tocontrol valve assembly spools and linkage.Shut off engine and apply parking brake.Position a machinist’s rule on control valve assembly body next tobucket spool.Using end of clevis as a reference point, tell assistant to placeBUCKET control lever in CROWD position while you measure travel ofc l e v i s.
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