TM 5-3805-262-203-25. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION4. BUCKET DOES NOT RETURN TO DIGGING POSITION (Cont).Step 3.Turn ignition key switch to offp o s i t i o n .Check orange-white wire between5 ampere circuit breaker andcontrol valve assembly forbroken or cracked insulation orbare wire areas.a. Repair broken or crackedinsulation or bare wireareas by applying insulationt a p e t o a r e a .b. If wire is okay, go to step4 below.Step 4.Unlock and open front accessdoor .Disconnect connector at controlvalve assembly bucket spool.Connect multimeter between pinsA and B of control valve assem-bly connector.Multimeter should indicate 55 ohms resistance.a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o r e s i s t a n c e , n o t i f y n e x t h i g h ermaintenance level to replace control valve assembly (solenoid isshort circuited and must be replaced).b. If multimeter indicates 55 ohms, repair orange-white wiretween 5 ampere circuit breaker and control valve assembly5-168).Step 5.Disconnect connector at control valve assembly bucket spool.Connect multimeter between wiring harness connector pin B andchassis ground.Turn ignition key switch to on position.Multimeter should indicate 24 volts.Turn ignition key switch to off position.b e-(pagea. If 24 volts not obtained, check orange-white wire between wiringharness connector and 5 ampere circuit breaker for continuity.I f c o n t i n u i t y o b t a i n e d, remove right instrument panel (page5-48) and replace circuit breaker (page 5-53).b. If 24 volts obtained, go to step 6 below.3-183
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