TM 5-3805-262-203-25. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION5. BUCKET HEIGHT CONTROL NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont).Step 4. Unlock and open front accessdoor.Disconnect connector at controlvalve assembly lift arm spool.Connect multimeter between pinsA and B of control valve assem-bly connector and then pins Band C.Multimeter should indicate 55ohms resistance between pins Aand B, and B and C.a .b .If multimeter indicates zeror e s i s t a n c e , n o t i f y n e x thigher maintenance level toreplace control valve assem-bly (solenoid is shortcircuited and must ber e p l a c e d ).If multimeter indicates 55ohms, repair orange-whitewire between 5 ampere cir-cuit breaker and controlvalve assembly (page 5-168).Step 5. Disconnect connector at control valve assembly lift arm spool.Connect multimeter between wiring harness connector pin C andchassis frame.Turn ignition key switch to on position.Multimeter should indicate 24 volts.Turn ignition key switch to off position.Connect multimeter between wiring harness connector pin A andchassis frame .Turn ignition key switch to on position.Multimeter should indicate 24 volts.Turn ignition key switch to off position.a .If 24 volts not obtained, check orange-white wire between con-nector and 5 ampere circuit breaker for continuity. If continui-ty obtained, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) andreplace circuit breaker (page 5-53).b. If 24 volts obtained, go to step 6 below.3-186
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