TM 5-3805-262-203-30. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont).S t e p 4 . ( C o n t ).b. If no air in fuel system, go tostep 5 below.Step 5.Crack (open) a fuel injectorline at fuel injection pump,crank engine, and check if fuelis pumped through fuel injectionpump .a. If fuel is not pumpedthrough fuel injection pump,b .notify next higher mainte-n a n c e l e v e l ( f u e l i n j e c t i onpump must be replaced).If fuel is pumped throughfuel injection pump, go tostep 6 below.Step 6.If VID has not been entered in VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT andpress and release TEST. When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST.Perform compression unbalance test:3-206
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