TM 5-3805-262-203-30. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. ENGINE WILL NOT CRANK (Cont).Step 1.Step 2.Step 3.(Cont).Do STE/ICE confidence test (TM 9-4910-571-12&P).At VTM, dial 60 into TEST SELECT and press and release TEST.When UEH appears on VTM display, dial 22 into test select and pressand release TEST.At VTM, dial 67 into TEST SELECT.Press and release TEST.Check that 22 volts minimum is displayed on VTM.a. If 22 volts minimum is displayed on VTM, go to step 2 below.b. If less than 22 volts is displayed on VTM, go to page 3-286,battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 1.Try to crank engine using ignition key switch and listen to starter.a. If starter sounds like it is overspeeding, go to step 3 below .b. If starter does not sound like it is overspeeding but sound isclick, buzz, hum, or no sound, go to page 3-274, starting systemtroubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 3.Remove starter (page 5-16).Check flywheel ring gear for missing or damaged teeth. You need onlycheck area on flywheel ring gear that is visible when starter is re-moved.a .b .If missing or damaged teeth are seen at flywheel ring gear, no-tify next higher maintenance level (flywheel ring gear must ber e p l a c e d ) .If flywheel ring gear teeth are okay, replace starter (page5-22).3-202
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