TM 5-3805-262-20
c. Oil Sampling (SHEET 1 OF 2).
This task covers taking a sample of the engine
oil which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.
This analysis determines how
many wear particles are contained in the engine oil and thus extent of wear of in-
t e r n a l e n g i n e p a r t s.
Obtain clean oil sample bottle and a copy of DD Form 2026 (Oil Analysis
Request) in accordance with local procedure.
MATERIALS/PARTS: Engine oil (refer to current lubrication order)
Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)
One pint container
Clean oil sample bottle
REFERENCES: LO 5-3805-262-12
TB 43-0210
PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14).
( 4)
Start engine and operate at
idle speed until normal operat-
ing temperature is obtained.
Unscrew cap from oil sampling
v a l v e.
Place one pint container under
oil sampling valve then depress
oil sampling valve pushbutton
and drain approximately one
p i n t o f o i l i n t o c o n t a i n e r.
Release oil sampling valve
pushbutton and remove one pint
c o n t a i n e r .
Open clean oil sample bottle
(place bottle cap on clean
surface with edges up) and
p o s i t i o n b o t t l e u n d e r o il
sampling valve.
Depress oil sampling valve
pushbutton and fill oil sample
bottle to within 1/2 inch of top.
Release pushbutton and remove oil sample bottle.