TM 5-3805-262-20
Tag and disconnect three wiring harness terminals (2) and wire (3) termi-
n a l .
At bottom circuit breaker, loosen and remove two locknuts (4).
Tag and disconnect terminals of wires (3, 5, and 6). Remove wire (3) from
l o a d e r .
Loosen and remove nuts (7), lock washers (8), capscrews (9), and circuit
b r e a k e r s ( 1 0 ).
( 8)
( 9)
At top relay (the 3-terminal relay) loosen and remove nut (11); then tag
and disconnect wire (6) terminal. Remove wire (6) from loader.
Loosen and remove
t e r m i n a l s ( 1 3 ) .
Loosen and remove
t e r m i n a l s ( 1 5 ) .
Loosen and remove
cab relay (19).
nut (12); then tag and disconnect two wiring harness
nut (14); then tag and disconnect two wiring harness
t w o n u t s ( 1 6 ) , l o c k w a s h e r s ( 1 7 ) , c a p s c r e w s ( 1 8 ) , a nd