TM 5-3805-262-20
b. C i r c u it B r e a k e r s a n d R e l a ys
(Cont) .
Inspect wiring harness terminal (2, 13, 15, 24, 26, and 32) wires for
cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at connection to ter-
minals. Repair cracked or broken insulation by applying insulation tape
t o a r e a. If broken wire strands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal
as possible. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wire taking care not
to cut through wire then crimp new terminal securely onto wire.
Inspect circuit breakers (10) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or
corroded terminal studs. Connect multimeter across terminals and check
for continuity. If any of the above conditions are seen or if multimeter
d o e s n o t i n d i c a t e c o n t i n u i t y , r e p l a c e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r.
Inspect cab relay (19) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or cor-
roded terminal studs. Connect multimeter between small center terminal
and relay housing. Multimeter should indicate 50 to 70 ohms. Disconnect
multimeter and connect between two large terminals. Multimeter should in-
dicate no continuity (open circuit). Then connect 18 to 24 volts between
center terminal and relay housing while watching multimeter. You should
hear relay click and multimeter should indicate continuity. Disconnect
leads from relay. If any of the above conditions are seen or if proper
multimeter indications are not obtained, replace cab relay.
Inspect starter relay (33) for cracks or breaks and loose, broken, or
corroded terminal studs. Connect multimeter between two center terminals.
Multimeter should indicate 20 to 40 ohms. Disconnect multimeter and con-
nect between two large terminals. Multimeter should indicate no continui-
t y ( o p e n c i r c u i t ). Then connect 24 volts between two center terminals
while watching multimeter. You should hear relay click and multimeter
should indicate continuity. Disconnect leads from relay. If any of the
above conditions are seen or if proper multimeter indications are not
o b t a i n e d , r e p l a c e s t a r t e r r e l a y.
Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, distortion, or
stripped threads;
replace as necessary.
At left hood post, install bracket (38) using capscrews (37), washers
(36), lock washers (35), and nuts (34). Clamp with rear axle breather
hose is secured by top capscrew (37).
At bottom of bracket (38), install starter relay (33) using two capscrews
(31), lock washers (30), and nuts (29). Be sure you secure two wiring
harness black wire terminals (32) and one end of wire (28) under capscrew
(31) as tagged.
A t s t a r t e r r e l a y ( 3 3 ), connect wiring harness violet-black wire
(26) and wire (28) terminal to center terminal studs as tagged.