TM 5-3805-262-20
b. Right-hand Instrument Panel (cont).
( 8 ) R e p l a c e r e s i s t o r s ( 3 7
ing. Measure resistor
r e p l a c e r e s i s t o r ( 3 7)
(SHEET 4 OF 5)
and 49) if cracked or discolored due to overheat-
(37) resistance using multimeter set to X1 range;
if multimeter does not indicate 36 to 44 ohms. Mea-
s u r e r e s i s t o r ( 4 9 ) r e s i s t a n c e ; r e p l a c e r e s i s t o r ( 4 9 ) i f m u l t i m e t e r d o es
not indicate 14 to 16 ohms.
(9) Check continuity of circuit breakers (26, 29, and 31), switches (36, 39,
44, and 51), and lamp (38) using multimeter set to X1 range. Replace item
if multimeter does not indicate continuity.
(10) Inspect right-hand instrument panel for cracks and bent condition. Re-
place if cracked or bent.
(11) Inspect vehicle lights switch (33) for damaged or missing connector pins
and damaged threads. Refer to chart on following page and check continui-
ty of vehicle lights switch using multimeter set to X1 range. Multimeter
should indicate continuity between listed pins for the indicated switch
settings. Replace vehicle lights switch if any of the above conditions
are seen, or if proper multimeter indications are not obtained.