TM 5-3805-262-205-8. SENDING UNITS AND WARNING SWITCHES MAINTENANCE (CONT) d. Converter Temperature Sending U n i t ( c o n t ).INSPECTION, TESTING, AND REPAIR(1)(2)(3)(4)( a)(b)( c)(d)( e)Inspect wiring harness terminal (4) wire for cracked or broken insulationor broken wire strands at connection to terminal. Repair cracked or bro-ken insulation by applying insulation tape to area. If broken wirestrands are seen, cut wire as close to terminal as possible.S t r i p 1 /4inch insulation from end of wire taking care not to cut through wire thencrimp new terminal securely onto wire.Inspect converter temperature sending unit (5) for cracks, breaks, dam-aged threads, distortion, broken or missing terminal, or other damage.Replace if any of these conditions are seen.Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damagedt h r e a d s; replace as necessary.Test converter temperature sending unit (5) as follows:Connect multimeter between converter temperature sending unit body andterminal as shown below.Lower a thermometer and threaded end of converter temperature sendingunit into a pan of water.Slowly heat and stir water while watching thermometer and multimeter.At 100 degrees F, multimeter should indicate 3000 to 3600 ohms. At 200degrees F, multimeter should indicate 640 to 780 ohms.Remove converter temperature sending unit and thermometer from waterand disconnect multimeter.Replace converter temperature sending unit if multimeter indicationsin step (c) above are not obtained. Dry converter temperature sendingu n i t t h o r o u g h l y b e f o r e i n s t a l l i n g .5-126
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