TM 5-3805-262-205-8. SENDING UNITS AND WARNING SWITCHES MAINTENANCE (CONT)e. Clutch Pressure Switch.This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection,testing and repair, and installation of clutch pressure switch and its associatedw i r i n g.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitCombination box and open end wrench setE l e c t r i c a l r e p a i r t o o l k itMultimeterMATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2)Detergent (Appendix C, item 3)Insulation tape (Appendix C, item 5)Isopropyl alcohol (Appendix C, item 15)Electrical cleaner (Appendix C, item 19)Electrical sealer (Appendix C, item 20)NOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: E n g i n e r i g h t f r o n t s i d e p a n e l r e m o v e d ( p a g e9-14).REMOVAL(1)(2)(3)(4)At right side of transmission,at control valve, disconnect two spadeterminals (1) from wiring harness wires spade terminals (2) by graspingwith fingers and firmly pulling apart.Loosen and remove clutch pressure switch (3) using open end wrench.At wiring harness orange-green wire,separate fuseholder (4) halves bygrasping ends with fingers, pushing together, twisting counterclockwise,and pulling apart.Pull resistor (5) from fuseholder (4) half.5-128
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