TM 5-3805-262-20
(l) Turn off engine and open drain valve at bottom of air reservoir to re-
lieve air pressure then close drain valve and repeat steps (e) through
(k) above until pressure settings are correct. If one pressure setting
is correct and other is wrong, remove and replace governor and forward
it to direct support maintenance (new adjustment assembly must be in-
s t a l l e d i n g o v e r n o r ).
(m) Turn off engine and open drain valve to relieve air pressure.
(n) Disconnect zero to 150 psi pressure gage from street tee (3), remove
safety valve (1) from street tee .
(o) Remove street tee
( 2 ) .
( p ) C l o s e d r a i n v a l v e
side panels (page
( a ) S t a r t a n d o p e r a t e
AIR PRESS gage on
( b ) T u r n o f f e n g i n e .
(3) from tee (2) and reinstall safety valve (1) in tee
at bottom of air reservoir and reinstall engine right
9 - 1 7 ).
engine at idle speed. Continue to operate engine
l e f t i n s t r u m e n t c l u s t e r i n d i c a t e s i n g r e e n a r e a.
(c) Apply soap and water solution
to governor exhaust port and
check for bubbles indicating
air leakage. There shall be no
bubbles indicating air leakage .
I f a i r l e a k a g e i s i n d i c a t e d,
remove and replace governor and
forward it to direct support
maintenance (0-rings are dam-
aged and must be replaced).
(d) Place key switch in ON posi-
t i o n , b u t d o n t s t a r t e n g i n e.
Apply brakes several times to
decrease air pressure and until
low air pressure warning buzzer
sounds. Place key switch in OFF
p o s i t i o n .
u n t i l
(e) Apply soap and water solution to governor exhaust port and check for
bubbles indicating air leakage. There shall be no bubbles indicating air
leakage. If air leakage is indicated, remove and replace governor and
forward it to direct support maintenance (0-rings are damaged and must
b e r e p l a c e d ).
( f ) R e i n s t a l l e n g i n e r i g h t s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 7 ).