TM 5-3805-262-344-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT) h. Camshaft and Bearings (Cont).INSPECTION AND REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 3)(4) To install camshaft bushings(10, 11, and 12), put bushingon bushing puller with oilholes alined as shown. Use openend wrench on square end ofbushing puller threaded rod toturn it and pull bushing intocylinder block as shown.Install intermediate and frontcamshaft bushings until theyare flush with bore; rear cam-shaft bushing is installed un-til even with inside edge ofcylinder block bore.(5) Apply non-hardening sealant toouter edges of new plug. Usinghammer, install plug in rearcamshaft bushing bore untilplug is recessed 0.287 inchbelow cylinder block bore.(6) Using micrometer, measure frontand rear outside diameter ofeach camshaft (9) bearing sur-face. Make two measurements 90degrees apart at each end ofbearing surface. If any mea-surement is less than 2.2455inches , replace camshaft (9).4-60
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