TM 5-3805-262-344-3. TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE (CONT)d. ForwardClutchandPlanetaryGroup (Cont).REASSEMBLY(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)If removed, apply non-hardeningsealant to new plug (11)threads. Install plug in for-ward clutch piston housing (12)bore and tighten.Install new seal (8) in innergroove of forward clutch piston(7). Use 5/8 inch diameter met-al rod to push seal into posi-tion.Install new seal (9) in centergroove of forward clutch piston(7). Use 5/8 inch diameter met-al rod to push seal into posi-tion.Install new seal (10) in outer groove of forward clutch piston (7).Lubricate forward clutch piston housing (12) using lubricating oil.Start forward clutch piston (7), flat side first, into housing (12). Usea soft hammer to push piston into housing.(7)Install forward clutch carrier (17) on reverse ring gear (5).(8)Install retaining ring (6) to secure forward clutch carrier (17) andreverse ring gear (5).4-156
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