TM 5-3805-262-34
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable.
Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated
area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and dont breathe
vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and dont smoke
when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you be-
come dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical
attention immediately.
If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush
with large amounts of water.
If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes
with water and get medical aid immediately.
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi. Use
only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment
(goggles/shield, gloves, etc). Failure to do so could cause serious
injury to eyes and possible blindness.
If you hurt your eyes or if a
foreign object is blown into your eyes, seek medical attention
a. Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680.
b. Dry parts using clean cloths or compressed air.
Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement.
a. Shine a light into cylinder tube (24). Inspect inner wall for deep grooves,
scores, or other damage. Remove small scratches from inner wall using medium
grit abrasive cloth polishing with a rotary motion.
b. Inspect rod (7) for straightness. If rod is bent, dont try to straighten it:
it must be replaced. Remove small scratches from rod using medium grit abra-
sive cloth polishing with a rotary motion.
c. Inspect bearings (5 and 22) for excessive wear or damage.
d. Inspect gland (16) and piston (20) for deformation, cracks, or breaks. Replace
gland assembly (8 thru 16) if gland (16) requires replacement.
e. Inspect lubrication fittings (6 and 23) for cracks, deformation, blockage, or
damaged threads.
f. Inspect all other parts for cracks, deformation, or thread damage.