TM 5-3805-262-343-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)f. Crankshaft Pulley (Cont).CLEANING(1)Clean pulley rubber element using detergent.Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable.Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilatedarea. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don’t breathevapors . Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smokewhen using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you be-come dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medicalattention immediately.If contact with skin or clothes is made, flushwith large amounts of water. If contact with eyes is made, wash eyeswith water and get medical aid immediately.(2)Clean all metallic parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using cleancloths.INSPECTIONNOTEReplace an item if inspectionindicates need for replace-ment .(1)(2)(3)Inspect crankshaft pulley(4) and fins for cracks ordistortion. Inspect sealarea for pitting, scoring,or grooving. Inspect rub-ber element for peel areasand missing or damagedrubber. Check for aline-ment of "V" marks on en-gine side of crankshaftpulley.Inspect engine oil seal forcracks, wear, or deteriora-tion. Notify general sup-port maintenance if engineoil seal requires replace-ment .Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion, or thread damage.3-52
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