TM 5-3805-262-3413-4. ALTERNATOR REPAIR (CONT)REASSEMBLY (SHEET 3 OF 5)In following step, press onlyuntil ball bearing (49) stopsmoving to prevent damage to driveend frame.(5) Using hydraulic press andappropriate driver, press ballbearing (49) into drive endframe (52) bore until it stopsmoving.f.Slide inner collar (47) into ball bearing (49).g.Install new felt washer (48) in retainer (46).h.Pack retainer (46) cavity with clean lubricating grease.i.Install retainer (46) in drive end frame (52) using three capscrews (45).j.Install rotor (44):(1)Slide paper tube onto slip ring end of rotor (44) shaft to protect sliprings.(2) Apply clean engine oil tobearing area of rotor (44)shaft.In following steps, leave enoughspace between hydraulic presstable blocks for installation ofrotor (44).Press only untilrotor stops moving to preventdamage to drive end frame (52).(3)Position drive end frame (52) onhydraulic press table blocks.(4) Using hydraulic press and appropriate driver, press rotor (44) into driveend frame (52) until rotor stops moving.k.Slide outer collar (43) and dust shield (42) onto rotor (44) shaft.l.Install fan (41), pulley (40), washer (39), and locknut (38).m.Mount pulley (40) in vise with soft jaws, tighten lock nut (38) to 70 to 80lb-ft, and remove pulley (40) from vise.3-218
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