TM 5-3805-262-34INSPECTION/REPAIR (SHEET 4 OF 5)j.Inspect stator (3) for damaged windings and distortion. Inspect stator elec-trical leads for cracked or broken insulation or broken wire strands at con-nections to terminals. Replace stator if any of the above conditions areseen, or if stator does not pass the following tests:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Set multimeter to X1 or diodecheck range.Hold either multimeter leadon stator frame, other mul-timeter lead on one statorterminal. Multimeter shouldindicate open circuit (mul-timeter pointer should notmove).Hold either multimeter leadon stator terminal A, othermultimeter lead on terminalC. Multimeter should indi-cate continuity (multimeterpointer should move).Repeat step (3) above atterminals A and B.Repeat step (3) above atterminals B and C.k.Inspect rotor (44) for loose coils, broken slip ring connections, scoredslip rings, damaged threads, and worn or pitted shaft at bearing areas.Clean dirty slip rings using No. 600 abrasive cloth, turning rotor to pre-vent flat spots. Mount rotor in V-block holder and measure runout of eachslip ring using dial indicator. Runout of each slip ring should not be morethan 0.002 inch. If runout is greater than 0.002 inch, turn rotor slip ringsin a lathe. Replace rotor if any of the above conditions are seen, or ifrotor does not pass the following tests:(1)Set multimeter to X1 or diodecheck range.NOTEIn following step resistancewill be slightly higher athigher temperatures, andslightly lower at lowertemperatures.(2) Hold either multimeter lead on one rotorslip ring, other multimeter lead on secondslip ring. Multimeter should indicate 10.9to 11.4 ohms at 80 degrees F.Change 13-213
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