TM 5-3805-262-343-4. ALTERNATOR REPAIR (CONT)INSPECTION/REPAIR (SHEET 5 OF 5)(3) Hold either multimeter lead onone rotor slip ring, other mul-timeter lead on rotor shaft.Multimeter should indicate opencircuit (multimeter pointershould not move).1.Inspect all other parts for distortREASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 5)ion, damage, or cracks.NOTEPerform steps a through j below only ifend frame parts were removed; otherwisego to step k below.a.Install needle bearing (56):(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)3-214Support center section of slipring end frame (58) on steelpipe.Apply clean engine oil to circum-ference of needle bearing (56).Position needle bearing (56) in slip ring end frame (58) bore.Using hydraulic press and appropriate driver, press needle bearing (56)to depth shown.Fill plug (57) recess with clean lubricating grease and position overneedle bearing (56).Press plug (57) into slip ring end frame (58) bore until flush with endframe.
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