INSTALLATION (SHEET 2 OF 5)(6)( 7)( 8)( 9)(10)At left front fender, routeblackout lights wiring harnessgreen wire through threeclamps. If necessary, removehardware securing three clamps.Remove clamps one at a time,install blackout lights harnessgreen wire on clamps, then re-install clamps. Use two tiestraps spaced evenly to securegreen wire to tilt cylindertubes.Connect blackout lights wiringharness green wire terminal toblackout driving light termi-nal. Do this by grasping withfingers, alining, and firmlypushing together.Below cab, near transmission torear of front wiring harnessconnector, remove nut (1), lockwasher (2), and clamp (3). In-stall clamp on blackout lightswiring harness and reinstallclamp.Repeat step (8) above to removeother clamp and install black-out lights wiring harness. Useone tie strap to secure black-out lights wiring harness tofront wiring harness.TM 5-3805-262-34Route blackout lights wiring harness up andover front and rear wiring harnesses matingconnectors. Use tie straps to secure black-out lights wiring harness to other wiringharnesses. Be sure to leave a loop inblackout lights wiring harness over matingconnectors so that you can disconnect thesemating connectors when necessary.LEGEND1. Nuts (2)2. Lock washers (2)3. clamps (2)4. Capscrews (2)5. clamps (2)6. Spacers (2)7. Nuts (2)8. Lock washers (2)9. Clamps (2)10. Spacers (2)11. clamps (2)120 Capscrews (2)3-293
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