TM 5-3805-262-34
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable.
Wear protective goggles and gloves and use only in a well ventilated
area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and dont breathe
vapors. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don-t smoke
when using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you be-
come dizzy while using cleaning solvent, get fresh air and medical
attention immediately. If contact with skin or clothes is made, flush
with large amounts of water.
If contact with eyes is made, wash eyes
with water and get medical aid immediately.
Clean all parts using cleaning solvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.
Replace an item if inspection indicates need for replacement.
(2) Inspect universal joint (7) for cracks or worn bearings. Remove burrs
from mating surfaces using fine file.
Inspect yoke (4) and front drive shaft (9) for cracks, twisted splines,
distortion, or damage. Remove burrs on splines using fine file.
(4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, distortion, or damage.
Install lubrication fitting (8) in universal joint (7).
Position universal joint (7) on front drive shaft (9).
Install four lock washers (6) and capscrews (5); do not tighten.
Seat universal joint (7) by tapping lightly using rubber mallet.
Tighten four capscrews (5) to 45 lb-ft.
Install yoke (4) on splined end of drive shaft (9).
Install washer (3) and nut (2). Tighten nut to 400 to 600 lb-ft.
Install and bend new cotter pin (1).
Install and lubricate front drive shaft (refer to TM 5-3805-262-20 and LO