TM 5-3805-262-343-12. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT)e. AirCompressorAssembly (Cont).(2) CylinderREASSEMBLY (SHEETBlock and Crankcase (Cont).1 OF 4)Wear heat resistant glovesburning your hands. If youimmediately.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)Heat bearing (26) inUsing heat resistantwhen working with heated parts to preventare burned by heated parts obtain medical aidoven to 250 degrees F.gloves,installbearing (26) on crankshaft (27) sothat part number on bearing is facingup. Make sure inner race on bearingis firmly seated against shoulder ofcrankshaft. Use hydraulic press and2-1/2 inches inside diameter sleeveto install bearing if necessary.Put crankcase (30) in hydraulic press.Install crankshaft (27) and bearing(26), starting bearing into crankcase.Using hydraulic press, press bearing(26) into crankcase (30) to same depthrecorded during disassembly.Apply non-hardening sealant to outside diameter of new seal (24).Using hydraulic press, press new seal (24) into bearing cap (23). Use2-1/8 inches diameter rod. Don’t use too much pressure to prevent damag-ing seal and bearing cap.Position new gasket (25) on crankcase (30).Install bearing cap (23) using four capscrews (22). Alternately tightencapscrews to 120 to 160 lb-in.Position new gasket (21) on crankcase (30).Lubricate bore of end cover (20) with clean lubricating oil.Install end cover (20) using four capscrews (19).3-486
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