TM 5-3805-262-343-19. BODY AND CAB MAINTENANCE (CONT) c. DoorAssemblies(Cont).REASSEMBLY (SHEET 1 OF 2)(1) Position shims (60) and mounting bracket (59) and secure using two cap-screws (55), washers (58), lock washers (57), and nuts (56).(2)Install door striker (54) and secure using nut (53).(3) Assemble lower door assembly (18 thru 52) as follows:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(1)Install door latch shaft (52) in door latch (43).Put spacer (51) on door latch shaft (52).Position top latch arm (50) on end of door latch shaft (52).Install and tighten capscrew (49).Position latch bracket (48) on top latch arm (50) and secure using cap-screw (44), washer (47), lock washer (46), and nut (45). Be sure thatcapscrew (44) is centered in slot of latch bracket (48) then tightencapscrew and nut (45) securely.Position door latch (43) and assembled parts (44 thru 52) on lower door(12) and secure using four screws (42).Position outside handle (40) on lower door (12) and install two screws(37), lock washers (39), and nuts (38).Put latch pull rod (36) through hole in latch bracket (48).Install bottom latch arm (35) on latch bracket (48).Put “U” shaped portion of bottom latch arm (35) on shaft of outside han-dle (40). Be sure handle is parallel to bottom of door.Install and tighten capscrew (34).Check operation of door latch (43) by manually closing latch and oPerat-ing outside handle (40) to open latch. Check that operation is smoothwithout binding. If necessary, change position of bottom latch arm (35)or top latch arm (50) on associated shaft or raise or lower position oflatch bracket (48) on top latch arm (50).Adhesive used in following step is toxic. Use only in a well ventilatedarea.Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes and don-t breathevapors. Don’t smoke when using it. Failure to do so could cause seriousinjury.If you become dizzy while using adhesive, get fresh air andmedical attention immediately.(m) Apply adhesive to lower door (12) mounting surface and press foam pad(32) into position.3-596
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