TM 5-3805-262-34
p. Using clean cloth, remove any oil from threads of capscrew (2) and rod (6)
internal threads. Apply retaining compo
q. Install washer (3) and capscrew (2) on
rod (6). Tighten capscrew to 1000 to
1200 lb-ft. Use torque multiplier and
a chain to hold rod stationary. Put
cloth between chain and rod to prevent
damaging rod.
In following step, do not over-
tighten vise. Overtightening
will distort cylinder tube (20).
r. Put cylinder tube (20) in vise.
s. Lubricate cylinder tube (20) inside wall and piston assembly (16 thru 19)
using clean lubricating oil.
t. Start rod (6) straight into cylinder tube (20).