TM 5-3805-262-342-5. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. FUEL INJECTION PUMP NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont).Step 23. With control lever locked in position as in step 22 above, operatepump at 375 rpm and watch rack travel dial indicator. Dial indicatorshould move 0.335 to 0.343 inch.Watch rack travel dial indicator and operate fuel injection pump at100 rpm.Rack should travel a minimum of 0.749 inch as indicated by dial in-dicator.Watch rack travel dial indicator and slowly increase rpm to 375 rpm.Dial indicator should move counterclockwise and indicate 0.335 to0.343 inch.a. If rack movement is as specified above, go to step 24 below.b. If rack movement is not as specified above, remove gasket andcap nut and turn supplementary idle speed screw clockwise to in-crease rack or counterclockwise to decrease rack. Repeat thisstep to recheck rack movement.Step 24. With control lever lockedpump at 375 rpm and checkrack movement of 0.335 toin position as in step 22 above, operatethat rack travel dial indicator indicates0.343 inch.Adjust idle speed screw until slight resistance is felt.Release control lever.Adjust idle speed screw until governor setting protractor scale in-dicates 25 degrees.Operate fuel injection pump at 375 rpm.Set test bench for 1000 strokes.Take a fuel draw.Fuel delivery from each cylinder should be 18.5 to 22.5 cc/1000strokes at 375 rpm.2-69
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